Why become a member?
More in our information leaflet
Types of membership
Full Membership
Regular/full members can take advantage of all the benefits of membership, which are summarised above. Of course, regular members are allowed to vote at General Meetings, can actively influence the association’s operations, regularly get important information from the sector, and can attend all meetings of the association. Regular members are accepted by decision of the association’s CEO.
Affiliate Membership
Only individual members, revision engineers, energy auditors, start-ups, smaller companies with their own battery installations of tens to hundreds of kW (e.g. industrial companies, logistics centres, small tradesmen with their own battery or/and PV system), selected interest associations, etc. fall under the category of associate membership.
If you are not satisfied with any of the membership described above, do not hesitate to contact us and negotiate individual conditions within the framework of the partnership with the AKU-BAT association.