We are an association bringing together the most important entities active in the field of energy storage. We support the cooperation of our members in the entire spectrum of services, from the use of storage in industry, energy or as an element of flexibility, through the development of e-mobility to the development of hydrogen technologies and more.
The diversity of the ever-growing member base of the association gives us unique know-how across the field of accumulation.
The members of the association are large energy companies, international and domestic manufacturers and suppliers of batteries, the most important players in the field of renewable energy sources, renowned banking houses, universities, research institutions, associations, industrial enterprises, heating plants, investors in hydrogen technologies, telecommunications companies and law firms.
We actively participate in creating of new laws and setting the conditions of new subsidy titles. We have the most up-to-date information about ongoing and upcoming legislative changes, not only in the Czech Republic but also in the EU, which we share with our membership.
We are a founding member of the Modern Energy Association (Svaz moderní energetiky), and we also work closely with the Solar Association and other industry associations.
AKUCAST: Battery maintenance – to keep your battery working well and lasting long
Another episode of AKUCAST is here! In this episode, we compare the most common battery technologies, discuss the effect of charging/discharging on battery life, and describe the importance and types of thermal management of batteries.
Guests of this AKUCAST were Pavel Hrzina, CTU FEL + Solar Association, and Ivo Apfel, Tesla EH. Jan Fousek, CEO of AKU-BAT, took the moderation as usual.
You can listen to the whole podcast on our YouTube channel or Spotify.
31.7.2024 | Online
In the new episode of AKUCAST we focused on current issues and challenges related to legislative changes in the gas sector and their impact on the development of the hydrogen economy.
Our guests were Matěj Kruml, head of the hydrogen section of AKU-BAT, and Štěpán Košař, head of alternative energy development in Pražská plynárenská. Together they discussed how new regulations and legislative measures will affect the future of the hydrogen economy in the Czech Republic, what opportunities and risks they bring and how individual companies in the energy sector are preparing for them.
You can watch the full podcast on our YouTube channel.
18.6.2024 | Online
AKUCAST: Smart control of PV and battery systems in homes
A new episode of AKUCAST is here, and this time it focuses on a topic we’re all interested in: Smart control of PV and battery systems in homes!
You will learn why smart control of PV is important, what you can expect from it, and what benefits it can bring you. Michal Hrabí, COO at SOLSOL, who is responsible for, among other things, the digitalization of SOLSOL and new services for partner companies, and Vladislav Martínek, a researcher at UCEEB CTU, have accepted the invitation to join the discussion.
You can listen to the whole podcast on our YouTube channel or Spotify.
11.3.2024 | Online
Začíná doba bateriová. Kouzlo uchování elektrické energie objevuje stále více výrobních podniků
Zákaz mařičů elektřiny se blíží. Brzy je stejně vytlačí baterie, tvrdí experti